Good Morning! #Jun1

Yesterday is by the side, same with last month but you are here, The Almighty God has kept you for a reason be ready to double your effort in this new month. Never less your effort for anything.
Approach the new month with great desire and you will come out at the top of it.
Welcome to the month of
Divine Surprises.

Happy New Month!!!

Life!👈 #May20

I just want to remember you that LIFE will not be fair to you, you need to be stronger in order to demand fair from life.

How do you become Stronger.

👉* Put God firstly in your life.

👉* You must be constantly developing your mindset through positive knowledge. When you mind is strong within you can withstand anything life throw at you.

👉*You must have a skill that you are very good at. You can only demand fair from life when you have a skill that you good at.

👉* Let your watchword be diligent, dedication, integrity etc

Then you can demand fair from life.

Good Morning, have a victory day.

Good Morning! #May3👌

Waking up this morning a question pop up in my heart which is..

*What can you do today to improve your life?

I keep mute for awhile, finally i said to myself i don’t have the capacity to change the past again, but i am in charge of today and i need to do everything to increase my capacity has a personal, work hard on achieving my purpose in life and do all i can to be a blessing to world 💯.
And the question come again then

*Why you are worried, downcast because of the past failures,lost opportunities, disappointed etc.

Am respond was i don’t know,

You don’t know the voice reply again…
I want to remind you, as long you have the privilege to see new day, it is the opportunity you need to write or rewrite you life better. So don’t ever allow the past regret to affect your present gift to be better.

👉Remember you cannot change yesterday because it’s gone. You can change today because it’s within your reach. Always do something worthwhile with your day today.

Good Morning, do have a favorable day.

Good Morning! #Feb12😘

Begin this new day on a fresh not, empty your heart of bitterness and every negativity.
Blossom! on every side today.

Good Morning! Do have a great day.

Morning Prayer!❤ #Feb3

Morning Prayer

The world turns, The sun rises,
The birds sing, The dawn breaks.
The beauty of your creation,
Unfolds afresh, bathed in light!
I give you my life, I notice my breath,
I appreciate the comfort of nourishment.
I soak up the light of a new day
Full of possibility and joy.

Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord!!
Thank You Lord!!!

Good Morning!❤ #Feb2

Look for something positive in every day, even if most days you need to look a little harder. Life can surprise you with something amazing. Focus on the many reasons why you are so blessed and not on the things that you think your life lacks. Life is not a problem that you have to solve, after all. It’s meant to be experienced and enjoyed.

Good morning! I hope you have the best weekend.

Wisdom Tidbits For Today! #Jan29

Here is my wisdom tidbits for today No day should pass without something being done.

See everyday is an opportunity giving to do something that would get you close your dream. A journey of a thousand mile starts with a right step. See everyday as a staircase to your destination and something cogent must be done daily.

You can only use few hours to destroy things, it takes longer time to build. You need to build your life on a daily effort, this what accumulated to form your desire success.

Always did something to challenge yourself every time that’s how you can grow. When there’s moment you are not sure of, you need to push yourself through those moments, that’s when you have a great result.

Go out there and do something meaningful with your life.

God bless you.

Good Morning! 😍#Jan15

Hello buddies, it is a beautiful morning. A special thanks to God Almighty for the gift of life and opportunity to write to you.

So good morning is not just a word, its an action and a belief to live the entire day well. Morning is the time when you set the tone for the rest of the day. Set it right!

Good Morning, do have a good day.


Photo of the day! #Jan15

Photo of the day: the apostlespeaks smiling.

When the situation suits you not, Try Smiling.
When you plan is not yielding the needed result, Try Smiling.
When your expectation is still delay, Try Smiling.
When people disappoint you, Try Smiling.
When the challenges is too big for you, Try Smiling.
Do you know why? When you Smile, you confuse the enemy the more.
Always remember never allow anyone,anything to take away your Smiling.


Wisdom Tidbits For Today! #Jan7

Hello world, welcome to another beautiful day. All glory be to our Able God for His mercy and grace over us. Make sure you use your day very well.

Here is my wisdom tidbits for today the question isn’t can you? It’s will you? SUCCEED.

The question we need to ask ourselves as new year is gradually counting is this will i succeed…. Because your willingness is what determine your actions and your actions determine your result.

Here is some of tips to help you succeed.

1. Focus on devotion, not motivation.

Just how devoted are you to your vision? How important is it for you, and what are you willing to sacrifice in order to achieve it? If you find yourself fully devoted, motivation will follow.

Devote all to your vision this year.

2. Focus on learning, not outcome.

When you focus too much on the outcome, you will miss the necessary knowledge you need to acquired. Let your enthusiasm of discovery, improving, exploring and experimenting, be the major fuel of vision. If you focus only on outcome, your passion will be like plastic—it will melt the moment you encounter fire. Focus on the process, not the product. Keep thinking about what you are learning along the way and what you can improve.. That is key to reach your destination.

3. Make the journey enjoyable.

The journey of your vision must be pleasant don’t overload yourself to much. When time to relax come, relax. When time to be your family come, be with them etc don’t allow the pursue of vision to make you lose the touch of your environment. If you make the journey bore, the chance is this it will start carrying a heavy emotional weight and you will lose perspective and become stuck again.

4. Dispose any negative thoughts.

Thoughts has great influence upon your life, your thought determine what you do and how will do it. You have a lot of thoughts in your head, and you always have a choice of which ones to focus on. Always focus on the positive thoughts.

5. Don’t allow contentment to set in.

Contentment has limit a lot people in life. You must have these understanding Sometimes you encounter difficult circumstance on your journey. What do you do in such situation? Forge ahead! So many allow contentment to set in and discourage them from forging ahead. They want everything to come at ease, always waiting for the perfect time, for an opportunity, while you drive yourself into stagnation and sometimes even into depression. Get out there, challenge yourself, do something that you want to do even if you are afraid.

6. Dispose all distractions.

Whatever is not your intention,don’t allow it to cut your attention.
Meaningless things and distractions will always be in your way, especially those easy, usual things you would rather do instead of focusing on vision. Learn to focus on what is the most important. Don’t waste your time on irrelevant things.

7. Don’t shift your responsibility on others.

You should never expect others to be the major head for your vision, not even your partner, family and friend. They are all busy with their own needs. No one will take your responsibility to achieve your vision for you. It’s all on you,take responsibility.

9. Plan and prepare very well.

If you fail to plan, you have plan to fail. You must develop a blueprint how you want achieve your vision. Plan is a guide to your fulfilment.

10. Seek for God’s help.

To achieve your vision you need God’s factor. The only one who know the end from the beginning is God and you need Him to get to your destination. The race of life without God always end in hurt, you need grace to run a successful life. In Proverb 16:3. Roll your works upon the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and] so shall your plans be established and success.

So walk with God this year.

God bless you, do have a fulfill 2019.
