Wisdom Tidbit for today! #Dec17

Shake off all those negative thoughts of yesterday!

Rise and shine…

It’s a new day so make it a great one.

Good morning, do enjoy your day.

Good Morning! #Jul3❤

Good Morning!

Waking up in such a beautiful morning is a guaranty for a day that’s beyond amazing. I hope you’ll make the best of it.
Go and make the day count for best.

God bless you.

You need Wisdom!

God grant me the placidity to accept the thing i cannot change, the Courage to change the thing i can and the wisdom to know the difference.

Most of the problem we find ourselves in this day are cause by self. We failed to realize that there are something we don’t have the capacity to change and there are something we have the capacity to change when we don’t know the difference we put ourselves in trouble that why your prayer should be the wisdom to know the difference when to act or not.

Let me ask you this question 👉Can you do everything in capacity to add to your age what you will actually be next year now.

*It is impossible so there are things that would not be change whether you try it not.

You need wisdom to know so that you wouldn’t waste your energy on things that doesn’t change and neglect the areas you can change.

Good Night!

It’s possible… #May10👏

Having Faith is not making situation or circumstance easy but making impossible to be possible.

There is no how you can keep winning in life without faith in God, Don’t let your faith in God dies no matter the situation you are in.
He is the only Unchangeable Changer you need.

It’s possible with God!

Good Morning! #May1❤

Today is a new day in a new month, i just want to remind you that you need self love if you really desire to make a positive impact in life because you can give what you don’t have.

  • Love God in other to know what’s love.
  • Love yourself in other to love people.
  • Be happy in other to spread happiness around.
  • Be joyful in other to spread joy around.
  • Never allow any dull moment, you are here to show forth God’s glory.

Remember you are fearfully and wonderfully made never allow anyone or anything make you believe otherwise.

Good Morning, do have a superlative month

Jesus did it for us! #Apr21👌

Easter is a time of reflection and joy. When we emerge from our cocoon of doubt to fly freely on the wings of faith. Jesus did it for us.

Happy Easter Sunday!

Wisdom Tidbit For Today! #Apr12🤔

Hello world, it’s a new day. Give all glory to God Almighty for counting you worthy to be alive again and do everything possible to make the day a glorious one.

Here is wisdom tidbit for today No matter the nature of your circumstances, not minding the degree of your misfortune don’t lose HOPE!
Never submit yourself to frustration, man has to undergo difficulties (like Gold) his ability must be tested. You need to face challenges in other to bring the best of you.

👉Keep on believing!
👉Keep on focusing!

👉Keep on fighting!

Life is not a one time battle but a continues battle.

God bless you.

Wisdom Tidbit for today! #Mar28👈

Hello world, it is new dawn and time to runs towards achieving our goal. Be grateful to God and live a life of honesty and integrity.

Here is my wisdom tidbit for today to do nothing is the way to be nothing.

Many people always dream of great thing and wish it’s giving to them automatically but never desire to pay the price for great things that why your dream still remain a wish. A thousand dreams will not leave gleam of reality without a stream of doing.

Likewise a thousand words will not leave as lasting an impression as one deed. Always connect your good dreams with a proper actions, if you don’t do it, it shows you don’t really believe in the dream.

Remember to do nothing is the way to be nothing, go out there and do something worthwhile with your life.

God bless you, do have a great day.

Good Morning! #Mar11😊

Hello buddies, it is a new day. Wake up with a heart of gratitude to God, it is a privilege not a right to be alive today. And make your life count for good, remember Opportunities are never lost, they are always taken by people who are ready. Get ready to take the opportunities of today.

Good Morning, do have great day.

Thursday Inspiration! #Feb28👌

Thursday Inspiration!

Why not? Focus on doing more… You will never be criticized by people who are doing more than you. You will only be criticized by people doing lesser.

Do more than what expect of you!
Do more than what you expect of yourself!
Do more than what God expect!
Then you will go far beyond your expectation.
