Good Morning!👌#Jul2

Start your day in gratitude will give you the right attitude for the rest of your day.

Good Morning, do have a fabulous day .

Happy New Month! #Jul1

Praise God!!! We made it to the second half of year. It obvious we are still in God’s plan, don’t give up yet because God has not give up on you.

Happy New Month!

Good Morning! #Jun3

It’s a new day again be grateful to God and focus on what you want to have happen.

Do have successful day.

Happy Sunday! #Jun2

Are you getting set to give up, wait a little bit you are almost there. See whatever you are going through now God is using it to preparing you for something GREAT.



Good Morning! #Jun1

Yesterday is by the side, same with last month but you are here, The Almighty God has kept you for a reason be ready to double your effort in this new month. Never less your effort for anything.
Approach the new month with great desire and you will come out at the top of it.
Welcome to the month of
Divine Surprises.

Happy New Month!!!

Choose Wisely!👈 #May27

Good Morning, everyday we have a choice to make in order to determine how our day will be. It can either be faith or fear that will lead us, the choose is yours, just remember that Your Faith can move mountains and your fear can create them. You are determinant of your life. Choose wisely!

Do have a great day.

Don’t wear your problem like a garment.👌 #May27

Good morning, an incident happen yesterday, I saw a friend of mine on my to church and couldn’t believed my eye. I don’t when i said seriously Why are you putting your life on hold?

she said, i didn’t get what i mean.

Okay let me explain to you now,
firstly 👉What is your problem?

I have these challenge with my husband and his family, my marriage is almost 5 years no child.

And so fucking what are you the only one that has problem, because of a problem, you allow it to paralyze your whole life.

See you don’t need to wear your problem like a garment, there is a life to live while you are trusting God for solution. Don’t put your life on hold, on the others aspect of life just because of one deficiency.

Mommy Sarah doesn’t stop progressing on other aspect of life when Isaac has not come.

Have you not read in Genesis 12:9-20.

When Father Abraham and Mommy Sarah went to Egypt for short time, Father Abraham had to beg Mommy Sarah please you are my sister in this city if you don’t want me to lose my life. The bible indicated that when the royal people of city saw Mommy Sarah they said to themselves these one didn’t fit our status only the royal majestic deserve these queen even at 65, yet Mommy Sarah had no child.
So what is your problem? stop wearing your problem about, lay your problem at Jesus feet and move on with your life.

God bless you,

What is your thought about this please 🙏 drop your comments as well.

You need Wisdom!

God grant me the placidity to accept the thing i cannot change, the Courage to change the thing i can and the wisdom to know the difference.

Most of the problem we find ourselves in this day are cause by self. We failed to realize that there are something we don’t have the capacity to change and there are something we have the capacity to change when we don’t know the difference we put ourselves in trouble that why your prayer should be the wisdom to know the difference when to act or not.

Let me ask you this question 👉Can you do everything in capacity to add to your age what you will actually be next year now.

*It is impossible so there are things that would not be change whether you try it not.

You need wisdom to know so that you wouldn’t waste your energy on things that doesn’t change and neglect the areas you can change.

Good Night!

It’s possible… #May10👏

Having Faith is not making situation or circumstance easy but making impossible to be possible.

There is no how you can keep winning in life without faith in God, Don’t let your faith in God dies no matter the situation you are in.
He is the only Unchangeable Changer you need.

It’s possible with God!

Good Morning! #May8😆


This life is given to us to be happy in it, so many factors drain the happiness of people. To remain happy in life you need this ingredients below.

👉 STAY STRONG! No matter what you are facing. One thing is sure life will never be easier, you are the one that need to be stronger. Develop your inner strength in order to overcome everything life throw at you.

👉 LOVE OFTEN! No matter how people has treated you in the past don’t ever allow it to kill love lifestyle. No matter how people has hurt you, never allow bitterness to rule in your heart. No matter how people has bruise you, never allow unforgiveness to block you from moving forward.

👉 WORRY LESS! No matter the challenge or problem you are going through don’t allow worry it only confine you from seeing the solution. Worry only reverse your life backwards without any hope of moving forward again.

👉LAUGH MORE! No matter the happening around or within you don’t ever allow it to steal your joy of laughter. It is only a joyful heart that God’s presence can dwell and it is only a smiling face that can attracts the people you need to change your situation.

👉 THINK POSITIVE! No matter the happening never thought or concluded that you can not get to your dream. Think positive, stay positive, do positive thing and everything around will turn positively.

Good Morning, do have a great day.