Wisdom Tidbit for Today! #Wed20

Wisdom Tidbit for today

No matter what happen to you in life, your life isn’t over. As long as God permit you to see another new day that’s the assurance you need to know that He isn’t through with you.

When God wakes you up, you are still part of His big plan. So don’t live your life as if you have nothing to offer again. Don’t live your life base on your past but live your life base on the future you hope for. You are here on a purpose, do everything possible to fulfill it.

In life you will experience overwhelming circumstance that’s certain but let His promised make you strong. In Jeremiah 29:11 – I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out – plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.(MSG)

Don’t let your future hope die, remember when the going gets tough, the tough get going. It’s over until you win.

God bless you, do have winning day.

Wisdom Tidbit #Dec09

Wisdom Tidbit (Monday)

Whatever you believe about yourself on the inside is what you will manifest on the outside.

Your life is a reflection of your believes.
What you do believe about yourself! 👉 I believe you here on a purpose!
👉 I believe you can succeed!
👉 I believe you have all it takes to be who desire to be in life.

Good Morning, do have a superlative week.

Happy New Month! #Dec1

I pray this new month brings with it the peace and serenity you so truly deserve.
I pray you enjoy favorable and joy-filled month in Jesus name. Amen

Happy Sunday and Happy New Month!

For more inspiration follow us 👉 @irebammie

Wisdom Tidbit! #Oct15

Wisdom Tidbit

“To Live for the benefit of others is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist for themselves and that is all”.

Yesterday night i stumbled to a statement made by The Liverpool FC’s prolific attacker, Sadio Mané speaks:

“Why would I want ten Ferraris, twenty diamond watches, or two planes? What will these objects do for me and for the world? I was hungry, and I had to work in the field; I survived hard times, played football barefooted, I did not have an education and many other things, but today with what I win thanks to football, I can help my people. I built schools, a stadium, we provide clothes, shoes, food for people who are in extreme poverty. In addition, I give 70 euros per month to all people in a very poor region of Senegal which contributes to their family economy. I do not need to display luxury cars, luxury homes, trips and even planes. I prefer that my people receive a little of what life has given me”.

I was extremely touched with this statement and i know why this player is moving forward. When you make yourself a Channel of blessing to others your source of blessing can’t dry up. There are people who living for themselves alone, there is more to life than simply living for yourself alone. It is not your luxury that matter to life, it is the life of people that benefit that counts.

Remember the purpose of life is not just to exist and that is all. It is to useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to make a great difference to the life around you.

Good morning, happy day to you.

Wisdom Tidbit #Oct14

Wisdom Tidbit

Many people try something and when they fail, they give up. That’s because nobody tells you that achieving your dream doesn’t happen over night.

You have to try and try again until you reach your dreams.
The problem is it’s easy to try and fail, and then say “I already tried and I didn’t win.”
We give in so easily because the upside is a life of excuses.
We give in because we can live through the heroes of our favorite show.
Giving up gives you permission to settle for the opposite of your dream.

See a day is coming when all your dreams become reality… Until then

Don’t ever give up…

Time is non refundable!…👍 #Oct7

Monday Tidbit

Time is a precious resource and once it’s gone, it’s gone forever.
Time is a created thing. To say ‘I don’t know what to do,’ is like saying, ‘I don’t want to use my time.

When you buy non refundable tickets to a concert which cost you an arm and a leg, you don’t normally just throw them away, you make sure you are in that concert, right? Then why throw away the most expensive ticket (time) to the best show in the world you never paid for, the show called ‘Life’?
Now imagine what it would cost you if you could actually buy more time. You would be a fool to if you wasted something that valuable. Yet, time is still wasted and it can never be regained.
Every second of every minute of every hour you allow to slip through your fingers, is a waste. Every opportunity you don’t take, every word you don’t speak and every work you don’t do, is a waste of the valuable time. Change your path, your choices and your future, make a plan and find a way to do what you love and be where you are meant to be.
Time is the currency of life,
Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness, no laziness, no procrastination: never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
Determine every single day to use your time with right intention. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. It is wonderful how much can be done if we are always doing something worthwhile.
A man who dares to waste one hour of life has not discovered the value of life.

Remember TIME is non REFUNDABLE use it with Right INTENTION.

Be Thankful! 🙏🙏#Oct4

Friday Tidbit

Tough times are often blessing in disguise. Let your Struggles in life reveal your inbuilt strength, no matter how much it hurts or the difficulties your are experience, hold your head up and keep going because the glory ahead worth the struggle times. This is an important lesson to remember when you’re having a rough day, a bad moment or a crappy season. Truth be told, sometimes the toughest battle reveal the inner strength. Your struggles is never a mistake, it’s part of the blueprint of your Maker for your life.

So be thankful for all the struggles because without it, you wouldn’t have discovered the inbuilt strength.
Good Morning, happy day to you.

Happy New Month! #Sep2

Welcome to the month of September,
Be of good cheer, be of good courage, because the Lord goes ahead of you this month to make your ways straight and make lines to fall in pleasant places for you and you shall have a goodly heritage in Jesus name. Amen💯

Good Morning, Happy New Month!😍

Good Morning! #Aug13

Every morning show us the setting of how life should operate. If a day never got stuck by night, or night never got stuck by day then your life should be in this format as well.

See, it’s never too late to start over neither is too late to achieve more. If you were happy with your past, don’t get stuck. There is more to achieve…
If you weren’t happy with your past, try to do something worthwhile from now to change the course of your life BETTER. Don’t stay stuck.

Life is moving, you must move on because what is significant yesterday may be insignificant today.

Everyday is a new canvas to
do BETTER. get BETTER.. have BETTER…

Good Morning, do have a great day.

For more inspiration follow us 👉 apostlespeaks

Good Morning! #Jul1😊

Each morning you wake be THANKFUL, GRATEFUL and APPRECIATE who you are, you have life, you’re blessed and you’re fearful and wonderful made don’t forget that.
It is new day in a new month pursue your dreams don’t wait until everything is set remember the time is wait for nobody so make it count now.

Good morning, happy new month.