Cast your cares on God! #Mar30👌

Cast your cares on the Lord and He sustain you. Psalm 55:22a

I stare out the window this morning, and God taught me a major lesson to trust Him always. Look at the two birds near your window, they are frolicking, jumping and having fun. They didn’t care; they chase, play and enjoying the beauty of the day. Before not too long, a few others even join in. Why is it so? That was my question. And the answered marvel me.👇

Life to them is a blessing not a burden, even when they had no idea of what will happen next or where they would get the next meal from, but all they same, it didn’t seem to matter to them because their cares is upon the Lord.

👉They didn’t seem worried about what they didn’t have; they just went about enjoying what they had.

What is it you don’t yet have that give you worry? Or
What is it that border your mind so much which make your heart heavy?
I know it’s somehow, but wonder if the birds have an understanding that we don’t, like:
#👉 God’s nature is to forever take care of me. It is impossible for Him not too.

#👉 Life is orbit, every seasons is a program of His hand work. I will trust that.

#👉 God is who He is. Just as He makes the sun come up every morning and the moon in the night, He will be true to his word forever.

#👉 I don’t have to fear or be worry for my next best thing, God remains my best thing ever.

#👉 Act and follow His instruction. For instance, this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24) live like that.

See, I want to be like these birds –
free to fly high… Soaring… Enjoying Living.

Why not cast your cares on the one who can help you. He is ready to sustain you.

Good morning, happy weekend.

Put your hope in God! #Mar29👈

Those who look to God are radiant; their faces never covered with shame. Psalm 34:5

Have you ever seen anyone who look to God that has been in shame?
For me None, why not trust in God from now no matter the circumstances, situation you are in.
God is able!
God is reliable!
God is dependable!
God is capable!
God is favourable!

Put your hope in God always.

Good Morning! #Mar29🤔

It is new dawn, the sun is about to shine.. The sun never mind the failures of yesterday when it was interrupted by rain, what of the complain of the people it give light to yet it decide to shine again. Friend, you have no excuse to give up; because you are also a light to the world.

Wake up with a grateful heart, get up and try again don’t be discouraged by your failures of yesterdays or the complain of people that does not believe in you because from there you will achieve your success. Remember that from mistakes come discoveries, from complain come revamp and from knowing what not to do will you discover exactly what to do rightly.

Good Morning, do have a great day

Wisdom Tidbit for today! #Mar28👈

Hello world, it is new dawn and time to runs towards achieving our goal. Be grateful to God and live a life of honesty and integrity.

Here is my wisdom tidbit for today to do nothing is the way to be nothing.

Many people always dream of great thing and wish it’s giving to them automatically but never desire to pay the price for great things that why your dream still remain a wish. A thousand dreams will not leave gleam of reality without a stream of doing.

Likewise a thousand words will not leave as lasting an impression as one deed. Always connect your good dreams with a proper actions, if you don’t do it, it shows you don’t really believe in the dream.

Remember to do nothing is the way to be nothing, go out there and do something worthwhile with your life.

God bless you, do have a great day.

God is my refuge and fortress! #Mar28 ðŸ‘Œ

But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge all the times.
Psalms 59:16

Waking up this morning, unusual joy spring up in my heart with this song Jesus you are so good to me, in all circumstance/2x oh oh dependable, reliable God no matter what comes my way You still my God…..

And the question now is who is your fortress and refuge? For me Almighty God is my fortress and refuge all the times.

Never allow anyone or anything to be your fortress or refuge, it will end in disappointment and shame for you. Only God is dependable and reliable, put your trust in Him and make the Lord your fortress and refuge all the times.

God bless you, do have favourable day.

Good Morning! #Mar27👈

Life is a one slot card, use it well by 👉Stay true to yourself, yet always be open to learn. Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them. Stay focused, go after your dreams and keep moving toward your goals. 👉Don’t forget to live life to the fullest and remain focus on the positive. It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. When you focus on being a blessing, God makes sure that you are always blessed in abundance .. 👉Always remember your FOCUS determines your REALITY.

Good Morning, do have a great day.

God’s Word for today! #Mar26👌

Whatever you do work heartily as for the Lord and not for men. Colossians 3:23

This scripture is interesting, pay attention to each words do you see something whatever you do- this meaning what you have done, doing and still going to do must be work heartily for the Lord and not for men. This show us everything we do are not for men but for God. The business you own, the way you treat your neighbors, your service and time for God, the work you do as employee, and many more.
Stop trying to impress men, all you need is to do and all you do must be whole heartily to impress God.
Do everything for God not for men whether the deserve it or not, whether people mismanage your talent, whether you are appreciate or not, whether people are watching or not because in Psalms 75:6 “For not from the east nor from the west nor from the south come promotion and lifting up but from God.
God is the determinant of everything so do your best in everything you do so that God can promote and lift you high in life.

God bless you, make sure you study your bible daily.

Good Morning! #Mar26😊

Waking up this morning seeing the bright new day i say thank You Lord to my Maker. And I feel like quitting on the project i am working on, and something says to me why? and i said is like the project is choking me up now and the best option now is to quit. And the voice said, you are gradually shifting your focus from the main reason you started the project. Something like that don’t lose the great desire you have when you want to start and the people that would benefit from this project. Remain focus at ultimate goal, no great achievement come easy it require great sacrifice to get the ultimate goal in life. Wow! I was encouraged and thought i need to share this with you so Whenever you feel like just burying yourself under the cover of quitting, remember that nothing extraordinary is achieved by giving up.
Remain focused, and be with people who help and encourage you. Keep working hard.
You are amazing, so don’t think for one second that you are not.

Good morning, Rise and shine!

Good Morning! #Mar25😂

Go beyond your limit… That is words for today, life is a discovery and the only way to discover your purpose in other to dispose your full potential is by finding the limits of the possible in the impossible.
You are here to make impossible possible, so don’t allow anything to discourage you.

Good Morning, do have a great day.

Good Morning! #Mar22😊

Welcome to another new day. God is good, all the time. Be thankful to God and always ready to add more good spices to life by pursue great things.

Remember Each person out there has potential to do great things. But very few of us actually have the courage to pursue our dreams. We are limited by our own fears, lacks and the judgment coming from other people. Don’t limit yourself again, you are here to purpose…. Launch out with faith today and everyday.

Good Morning, do have a great day.

Good Morning, do have a great day.