Make it Count! #Jun20

You will never have this day again. Make it count!
Remember When you refuse to make use of your day, you are losing out on what should achieve. 🤔🤔

Connect to God! #Jun20 🙏

Hey, do you know it cost you nothing when ..

👉 TALK WITH GOD, no breath is lost.
👉 WALK WITH GOD, no strength is lost.
👉 WAIT FOR GOD, no time is lost.
👉TRUST IN GOD, you will never be lost.
You see.. Connect with God and experience the difference.

God bless you, have a great day.

Try again,this time with God! #Jun18🙏🙏

God often calls you to take a risk when you’re in the midst of a setback. Your best days come when you obey God—even when it seems impossible.

‘Master,’ Simon replied, we worked hard all last night and didn’t catch a thing. But if You say so, i’ll let the nets down again. After that the result was overwhelmed.

May be you too are in the dilemma of Peter, you have try all yet not tangible result to show. It is time to turn your way and do it differently.

So try again, this time with God.

Start up your day! #Jun19👌

Start every day by reminding yourself that God is a good God. When you wake up, why not try that? Sit on the side of your bed and say, “Thank You Lord, for everything You have done for me. I know and believe that You are a good shepherd. Jesus Christ, I’m expecting you to do it again feed me, lead me, and meet my needs today.

I will trust you.”

Thank You Lord for the answer.

Good Morning.

Photo of the Day! #Jun17

Beautiful flowers for you,

Lesson from the flower:

Two colorful flowers with different shape and colors.

See no matter our different in life, we are all here to beautify the earth.

Stop spreading hatred.

Good Morning! #Jun17 👌

The ultimate measure of a man isn’t where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but at times of challenges and trials. Take a stand and stick to your cause and purpose in life.
Life’s challenges and obstacles are designed to bring out the best in you.
The value of our lives is not what we take from life, but what we give to it.
So when you can’t find the sunshine, be the Sunshine by going Out there and make a positive different.

Good morning. Have a transforming week.

Do you know? #Jun14 👌

After my morning devotion this morning getting ready for work, i quickly checked the social media to see what is latest news, gists, information trending. As i was checking through a caption cut my attention and i pause to see what is it? It says “the most inspirational video that the world is talking about”
After seeing the video i was inspired by the video, her willingness to do what other are doing was very great despite her disability.
No foot yet she was walk with her knee.
No leg yet she desire to do ballet.
Her willpower to succeed was great and at the end she won a gold medal in paralympic.
👍 to you Lauren Woolstencroft thumb up.

And my conclusion is this there is no genuine excuse to fail in life.

Do you know?

👉Your disability is not an excuse for FAILURE.
👉Your disadvantage is not an excuse for FAILURE.
👉Your disqualification is not an excuse for FAILURE.
👉Your deficient is not an excuse for FAILURE.
👉Your incapacity is not an excuse for FAILURE.
👉Your insufficient is not an excuse for FAILURE.
👉Your weakness is not an excuse for FAILURE.
👉Even your background, city and country is not an excuse for FAILURE rather it is your leverage to greatness if only your WILLPOWER is potent and higher than other things.

Good morning, do have a great day.

Live a purpose driven life! #Jun13👌

You weren’t created just to consume resources – to eat, breath and take up space. God designed you to make a difference with your life. – Rick Warren

👉 Live a purpose driven life 💯 don’t just exist or take up space in life.

Good Morning, do have a great day.

Enjoy every phase of your life! #Jun12🤷🏻

On my way out this morning, i was greeting a neighbor of mine. His respond was awful so i have to turn back and ask him, hope no problem because this is not you. You are always been a cheerful person, what is it? He sighed and said i don’t understand my life because this is not the picture of life i desire for myself. It seems like the picture of the kind life i desire is not going to be in reality soon or later.

I chuckle and said to him, You know what sometimes you have to let go of the picture of what you thought life would be like and learn to find joy in the story you are actually living now.

What do you mean by that? He asked,

See Life is in phases, you must learn to enjoy every phase of your life. The moment you allow your present condition to steal your joy, make you feeble in heart and lose your desire, focus, determination and zeal to progress, you have lose everything your good future hold for you. As you are down now, you have cut off the flow of fresh ideas, opportunities, helpers to come to you. Remember a river that refuse to flow become stink and a dump of rubbish. If you continue in this state of mood your life will devalue to nothing.

So learn to joy every phase of life… You are in the temporary phase of life don’t make it your permanent phase of life.

Good Morning, do have a great day.

To be a Winner! #Jun10

Everyday i hear everyone saying I am born to win! I am born to win!! But they haven’t win why because they failed to rel that it’s enough to be born to win only it require other process in other to manifest the win. So i come up with this process this morning..
👉 You were born to win but to be a WINNER.
👉 You must DESIRE to win.
👉 You must PLAN and PREPARE to win.
👉 You must WORK to win.
👉 You must DETERMINE NEVER GIVE UP to win.
👉 And EXPECT to win, then YOU CAN WIN 💯

Go with this mentality everyday in others to win.

Good Morning, have a great day.