Good night titters


As the month of August is rolling out… don’t be mad at yourself for the things you could not done or achieved, be grateful for the things you are able to done or achieved. Remember as you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler toward you.

Good night and sweet dreams




Photo of the day


Smile… smile…. smile….  hope this picture bring smile to your face.

I always enjoy being happy everyday and hopefully you can see my smile every time… because Life remain beautiful to those who always approach life with a smile.





Thought of the day! #Aug31


Hello world, i am very glad to see the last day in the month of August 2017. It has being awesome month indeed for me likewise for you too. All appreciation goes to our Able God for everything, He has given us the privilege to achieved.

Here is my thought for today when road you’re trudging seens all uphill, DON’T QUIT!!!. I was mediating on what i was able to achieve and the failure in the month of August and this words filled my mind it encourage my heart so i decided to share with you in order to be an encouragement to you too.


When things go wrong, As they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seens all uphill,
When the incomes are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When care is pressing yoy down a bit- Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.

Life is queer with its twists abd turns, As everyone of us sometimes learns, And many a failure turns about When he or she might have won had he or she struck it ouy. Don’t give up though the pace seems very sluggish- You may succeed with another attempt.

Success is failure turned inside out- The silver tint of the clouds of doubt, And you never xan tell how close you are, It may be near when it seems so far; So sticj to the fight when you’re hardest hit because it’s when things seen worst that you must not quit in life.

The journey to being at your peak in life is not easy. It is full of setbacks, but you must be determined to always bounce back with even greater resolve.. as we look forward to another month be ready to bounce for good.

God bless you, continue to enjoy your day.

I remain your humble friend,





Thought of the day! #Aug30


Hello world, welcome to the midweek. It is a gift of God for lets come alive and make a wonderful day.

Here is my thought for today your content within determine your success not your colour or tribe or gender. I have seen and meet so many people that discriminate base on colour,tribe and gender which now make people to have inferiority complex about themselves. We now have a world where everyone is trying to change their colour even to the point some are doing transgender. Don’t you know the maker that created you have given you best of best. You have to come to this reality whether you are white, black, green, yellow etc in color nor your tribe or race or gender that garantee your success it is the content within you. So stop be inferiority complex about your colour or tribe or gender be proud of it ( i am proud to be blackman and a Nigerian) all you need is to thrive to develop your content then your success is sure. This story will help you to understand more…
There was a man who made his living selling balloons at a fair. He had ballons of many different colors, including red, yellow, blue and green. Whenever business was slow, he would release a helium-filled balloon into the air. When the childreb saw the balloon go up, they all wanted one. They would come up to him buy a balloon and his sales would jack up. All day, he continued to release a balloon whenever the sales slowed down. After, the balloon man felt someone tugging at his jacket. He turned around and a little boy asked, ” if you release a black balloon, would that also fly?” Moved by the boy’s concern with a smile the man replied gently, “Son it is not the color of the balloon, it is what’s inside that makes it go up.”
The same principle applies to our lives. It is not the color of your skin, neither your tribe or your race.. it is what’s inside of you that makes you to succeed in life. Once again, be committed to develop the content of your inside very well.

Don’t let the world change you to what you are not.

God bless you, do have a fulfill day.

I remain your humble friend,





Tuesday night vibe


Hello world, how was your day today? Hope it was very great like mine. As the day is about to coming to an end, i just want to remember you don’t let your happiness depend on something that you may lose or temporary…  so no matter how your day may be, that doesn’t define your happiness.

Your Happiness should base in God, He never fail whomsoever that trust Him.

God bless you, do have a splendid night rest.

Love you all




Photo of the day


Snail.. snail… Snail…. one the animal that does it thing in a slow and gentle way. You can’t see snail compete with others animals, it moves at slow pace during the day (work less in day) where every other animal are in competition but more effective in the night (work hard in night) when other animals are rest.

The lesson here is this you need to be more effective in your thinking period when nobody is there with you not in your struggle during the day.

 Because the WORLD will not pay for your AGILITY (energy)but your ABILITY (expert).

Stop compete with others start developing your ability.





Thought of the day! #Aug29


Hello world, how is your day? Hope you are making it count very well.

Here is my thought for today a qoute from Napoleon Hill if you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way. This qoute change my orientation about life, everyone desire to be great but we don’t have equal resources needed to be great all we have is equal opportunity to be great. But most people failed to be great because of wrong mentality about greatness, they thought it require alot to be great in life. Not at all, i have realized to be great is very simple all you need is to do the small thing in a great way then you have great success. Here a story of a girl that leave her daddy in a great surprise.

A Father was reading a magazine and his little daughter every now and then distracted him. To keep her busy, he tore one page on which was printed the map of the world. He tore it into pieces and asked her to go to her room and put them together to make the map again.

He was sure she would take the whole day to get it done. But the little girl came back within two minutes with perfect map……When he asked how she could do it so quickly, she laughed and said, “Oh…. Dad, i do the small things in a great way. There is a man’s face on the back side of the paper….. I made the face perfect (small thing in a great way) to get the map right( the great thing).” She ran outside to play leaving the father a great surprised.

There is a way to greatness in life, always do the small thing in a great way. You will be surprised to see yourself a great person already.

God bless you, continue to enjoy your day.

I remain your humble friend,



