Wisdom Tidbit

Live today. Not yesterday. Not tomorrow. Just today. Inhabit your moments. Don’t rent them out to tomorrow.

Tuesday Wisdom Tidbit

Time wait for no one, Don’t waste the privilege of a new day; do something meaningful with it. The journey of a successful life begins with a right step in the right direction not by wishing for it. You should first know where you are going, know the route to the place and start moving toward your destination. With time you’ll get there.

Wisdom Tidbit for today! #Jun16🤔

Success comes to those who not only just dream once, but also continue to dream. When one dream is achieved, they dream another. Sometimes when the dream is not achieved, they still dream another because they know that the great dreams of great dreamers are not achieved, but they are transcended. They evolve from one dream to another.

When people stop dreaming, they stop succeeding because dreams and success go together. This Secret of Success says that the day you stop dreaming, you start dying. Yes, the body and mind start decaying, and this decay will take you to defeat and death. Today, make a commitment to dream! Never stop dreaming till you die because the day you stop dreaming is the day you start dying.

Remember one attempt is not enough to attain Great Success. Keep trying,working …..

Good morning, have a great day.

Wisdom Tidbit for today! #Jun13đź‘Š

There are many people who keep on whining, complaining and repeating questions like why they couldn’t do it, what stopped them from success, why it’s not possible, why it’s so difficult, and why the world is so unfair. Well, this is called whining. They keep on whining, but those who are whining, are never winning.

So, success is a choice between whining and winning. Why? Because whiners lose their entire time and energy whining and winners do not have any time to whine at all! They are just focusing on winning; they focus on the secret of success and think about their plans. They work on their dreams and their teams, and together with the focus on winning, they achieve success.

Happy weekend!

Good Morning! #May15đź‘Š

Good Morning!

It’s a new day, make it a great one.

Wisdom Tidbit for today #Feb20

Wisdom tidbit


“You attract what you’re ready for …………..”

Opportunities are everywhere, you only attract what you’re ready for.
Ideas are everywhere, you only absorb what you’re ready for.
What are you ready for …? This is the question you need to ask yourself.

Many are complaining, lamenting and grumbling in life today, why? Because they refuse to prepare for life. When you refuse to get ready to meet the opportunity in life, then you’re ready to get stuck.

What of the man called David in the bible. I love reading and digesting his life story, is a man fully ready for opportunities.

• There was a search in the palace for an instrumentalist to play for a King, David was recommend for the opportunity, why? He was ready for it.
• In the forest, he trained himself to face wild animal in other to protect the sheep. When a lion showed up, he was able to kill it, why? he was ready. Afterward, a bear showed up and he killed it too, opportunity to face the giant was attracted to him, why? he was ready.

See, there is no excuse for you. The reason why you remain where you are is because you are not ready. Preparation propel performance and performance propels great result. Life is a field of unlimited possibilities, you only attract the one you are ready for.

Even if you are given the opportunity you aren’t ready for, you will definitely mismanage it. Remember the prodigal son that collected his inheritance from his father that he wasn’t ready for, he squandered it all. It is up to you now to sit down, think about your life and set out your plan. This is your life, so start developing yourself for the opportunity you desire to attract.

God bless you and do have an amazing day.

Wisdom Tidbit for Today! #Jan9

Good morning, hope you are enjoying the day.

Here is a quick one for today, in Luke 1:37 “For with God nothing shall be impossible.”

I have never seen where it was written that life would be easy like bread and butter. God never promised us it is going to be easy but promised victory at the end. Why are you complaining, grumbling about the journey of your life? Instead of crying and being fed of everything, all you need to do is to build up your faith in God. The bible verse up there shows us that with God nothing shall be impossible, otherwise with men things shall be impossible.

Sometimes ago, I visited a gym and I met someone I knew before, he has really changed physically. He has built up his muscles to the point that I couldn’t recognize him anymore, only by his facial appearance. Now, I am terrified of how he looks, this is a man I could push with a finger two years ago but now I can’t try such, why? because he has built up his muscles. These same principle is applicable to life itself, things that look impossible to you now can be possible to achieve if you can only build up your faith in God. The more you build up your faith the more things become possible for you.

You see, your faith in God is very important to your victory in life. Remember 1st Samuel 2:9b … for by strength shall no man prevail.
Faith does not make things easy, it makes it possible.

How to build up your Faith in God.

  • Create time for God.
  • Get acquainted with the manual of life (The Bible).
  • Read books on faith.
  • Read testimonies of other people who exercise great faith.
  • Associate with people of great faith.

Remain blessed.

Wisdom tidbit for today! #Jan3 đź‘Ś

As we already in the 3rd day of the new year. Awakening to the realisation that you are a living magnet. What you attract into your life is in harmony with your dominant thoughts that is the quality of your life depends on the quality of your mindset. What you produce on the inside, will eventually manifest on the outside.

Your mind is a wonderful, powerful organ, but you must take control and understand that it reaps exactly what you plant, and can work for you or against you.

To create change, you must stop making the same choices today that you made yesterday. You must hold onto the positive thoughts that relate to great future. You have to become focused on letting go of the past, and start visualizing the future you desire.

Start to see your dreams in your mind coming into manifestation and then hold onto the hope that is attached to your desire coming true. You will feel amazing and then will start to attract amazing things. Once you begin to practice being self aware, you will become addicted to thinking only positive, happy thoughts.

To change your life you must change your mind. The body follows where the mind goes. What we think, say and do today is where our future will take us. Learn to be the master of your mind and body with positive thinking and affirmations.

Continually find things to be grateful for in your life, gratitude holds so much power to shift you from a state of stress to a state of contentment and bliss. Appreciate the beauty that is around you, and find ways to appreciate your life. Most importantly, do not give up on creating the best version of yourself! Remember you are a living magnet.

Happy New Year!đź‘Š

Welcome to 2020.


See the future is bright. Let’s make this our best one yet.

Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas! #Dec25

May the joy of the seasons bring a glorious blessing to you and your family in Jesus name. Amen