Be Grateful! 🙏 #08

One of the most powerful things you will ever learn is that when you live in gratitude 🙏🙏🙏 for what you have, then you attract more to be grateful for 🙏🙏🙏.

Good Morning, happy day to you.

Morning Prayer! #Sep29


Dear Lord, thank you so much for another day of life on Earth. Thank you for another beautiful sunrise to enjoy. Thank you for the wonderful sounds of nature, from the cool breeze brushing through the trees to the birds singing melodies. You are a wonderful God, full of grace and mercy. I praise you for allowing me another day to spend with my family. I love you Father! Amen.


God’s got you! #Aug20

God is bigger, greater than your past, present and future fears
Pray,trust and keep moving…
Remember God’s got you always.

Good morning, do have a great day.

Connect to God! #Jun20 🙏

Hey, do you know it cost you nothing when ..

👉 TALK WITH GOD, no breath is lost.
👉 WALK WITH GOD, no strength is lost.
👉 WAIT FOR GOD, no time is lost.
👉TRUST IN GOD, you will never be lost.
You see.. Connect with God and experience the difference.

God bless you, have a great day.

Don’t underestimate God!👌 #Jun5

God saying no test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others had to face. All you need to remember is that I God will let you down; I will never let you be pushed past your limits, and I will always be.

See the size of your challenges is nothing to compared with your inbuilt abilities solve them so don’t ever overestimate your challenge and underestimate God and yourself.

God bless you,

Life is good! #May18 👌

LIFE is good when you are happy, see LIFE is better when other people are happy because of you. People may not reward you or thank you for what you do but when God is the reason for loving and giving, you will receive a greater blessing in return.


Happy Weekend!

Good Morning! #May02😊

DON’T LET IT BE… because life will never give you what you deserve until you expect,ask,demand and work for it.

Each day is the platform you need to get better and better, so don’t allow any day to waste away do something worthwhile you have limited time.

Good Morning, do have a victory day.


Resurrection Prayer!

Dear God,
Thank you that you make all things new. Thank you for the victory and power in your Name. Thank you that you hold the keys over death, that by your might, Jesus was raised from the grave, paving the way for us to have new life with you. Thank you that you had plan, that you made a way for us.
We come before your feet with a humble heart, We ask that you renew our hearts, minds, and lives, for the days ahead. We pray for your refreshing grace over us.
Keep your words of truth planted firm within us, help us to keep focused on what is pure and right, give us the power to be obedient to your word always. And when the enemy reminds us where we have been, give us the confident to laugh as we trust that your voice speaks louder and stronger, reminding us we are safe with you and that your purposes and plans will not fail. We ask that you will be our defense and rear guard, keeping our way clear, removing the obstacles, and covering the pitfalls. Lord, lead us on your level ground.
Shine your light in us, through us, over us. May we make a difference in this world, for your glory and purposes. Set you way before us. May all your plans succeed. We may reflect your peace and hope to a world that so desperately needs your presence and healing.
Thanks be to you God, for your indescribable gift! To you be glory and honor, on this Resurrection Day, and forever.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Make sure you pray this prayer every times.

God bless you.


Be happy because you are loved.
Celebrate because you are saved.
Jesus Christ lived
To be our Light and Guide of your life.

Happy Easter!

Happy Good Friday! #Apr19❤

“How great is the love of God! He loved me long before I knew His name. He wooed me, chased me, enthralled me, and captured my heart. He didn’t prove His love at a candlelight dinner. There were no long-stemmed roses, but there were thorns. Yes, there were thorns.”

Thank You Jesus!

Happy Good Friday!