Good Morning! #May6👌

Don’t be passive in life saying whatever will be, would be.. It is wrong confession because whatever will be, you need to pursuit it to be.

It is only bad things that happen suddenly, for every good or right thing to happen it requires a gradual process.. So don’t wait for life to offer you anything, go after your desire to achieve in life.

God bless you, do have joyful day.

Wisdom Tidbit For Today! #Mar16

Hello world, it’s weekend. Let us dance and rejoice for the love of God in our life, and be good to your world today.

Here is my wisdom tidbit for today Life requires overcoming challenges and obstacles of many types. Handling our struggles and fears determines who we are….

Don’t turn back at the challenges of life.. But face them as they come on your way daily.

God bless you, do have joyful weekend.

Good Morning! #Mar14👈

Good Morning!
Everyday brings a chance for you to draw a new breath, get up and be ready to add value to life.

Make today a positive plus to your life and the people around you.

Do have a great day.

Monday Tidbit! #Mar11👌

Monday Tidbit!

“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.”

Get ready with right mental attitude to start a new day.

God bless you.

Good Night Titter! #Mar10

Closing Thought

If we don’t feel grateful for what we already have or achieved, what makes us think we’d be happy with more?
Be grateful for today.

Good Night.

Good Night Titter! #Mar9

Closing Thought

Accept what is, let go of what was and have faith in what will be… That is how to end your day always.

Tomorrow is another day.

Monday Inspiration! #Feb25👌

Monday Inspiration!

You are not yet a failure until you blame someone else for your failure.
Take Responsibility for your life and mistakes.

Wisdom Tidbits For Today! #Jan29

Here is my wisdom tidbits for today No day should pass without something being done.

See everyday is an opportunity giving to do something that would get you close your dream. A journey of a thousand mile starts with a right step. See everyday as a staircase to your destination and something cogent must be done daily.

You can only use few hours to destroy things, it takes longer time to build. You need to build your life on a daily effort, this what accumulated to form your desire success.

Always did something to challenge yourself every time that’s how you can grow. When there’s moment you are not sure of, you need to push yourself through those moments, that’s when you have a great result.

Go out there and do something meaningful with your life.

God bless you.

Good Night Titters! #Jan24

Hello buddies, another day is gradually coming to an end. Here is my good night titters you are in control of your own happiness. Life is going to happen whether you overthink it, overstress it or not. Just experience life and be happy along the way, no matter the outcome your day today. Remember You can’t control everything in your life, but you can control your happiness..

Be happy, stay happy always!

Good night.

Wisdom Tidbits for today! #Jan19

Hello world, it’s weekend. All glory be to God.

Here is my wisdom tidbits for today never stop learning because life never stops teaching.

Life is a moving orbit, and those who are not moving will get stink.

Life is a process, and those who are not learning the process will end up being a waste product.

Life is a journey, and those who refuse to walk along will never get to a tangible destination.

Life is a gift, and those who never accept responsibility has no result to show.

Life is a game, and those who refuse to learn how to play the game will always be a loser.

So when you stop learning then you starts depreciating.

God bless you, happy weekend.
