Good Morning! #Feb4

Good Morning!

Learn from the lessons of yesterday. Live for today and have hope for tomorrow. Don’t be afraid of what this day brings because you are created to win. Begin your day with a positive thought and anything will be easier to achieve.

Have a great week.

Photo of the day! #Jan31

Photo of the day: A grateful heart

A grateful heart always attracts great things.

Good Morning! 😂#Jan31

If yesterday was a wonderful day, keep doing what you’re doing. Keep the streak alive, and continue surprising people with all the things that you can do. Wonderful things are just about to happen. Don’t focus on what other people are saying. Just hold your head high and remember that you are more than what you give yourself credit for.

Good Morning, do have a great day.

From your humble friend,

gbolahan Irebami.

Wisdom Tidbits For Today!#Jan30👌

Hello world, it is a new dawn. Arise and shine for your light has come, the gift of life you receive again is an indicator that you are relevant to this earth. Be grateful to God and do your best to make each day count for good.

Here is my wisdom tidbits for today “Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new center of gravity. Don’t stand still or turn back. Just Find a new way to go through it.

Challenges help us to grow our mindset, it sharpen our creative instinct. We are intend to blossom more in it, so the greater the challenges, the more you discover your hidden potentials.

Go out face all the challenges that come your way…

God bless you, do have victory day.

Wisdom Tidbits For Today! #Jan29

Here is my wisdom tidbits for today No day should pass without something being done.

See everyday is an opportunity giving to do something that would get you close your dream. A journey of a thousand mile starts with a right step. See everyday as a staircase to your destination and something cogent must be done daily.

You can only use few hours to destroy things, it takes longer time to build. You need to build your life on a daily effort, this what accumulated to form your desire success.

Always did something to challenge yourself every time that’s how you can grow. When there’s moment you are not sure of, you need to push yourself through those moments, that’s when you have a great result.

Go out there and do something meaningful with your life.

God bless you.

Good Morning! 👌 💯 #Jan 29

Good Morning, welcome to new day a gift God give you. Be grateful to Him and make the day count.
To be successful today, you should open yourself up to new possibilities and the best outcomes. The mind is very powerful. Whatever you focus on is what your mind will attract. I want you to think only of all the things that you want to achieve today, because you certainly can make it happen!

Have a great day.

Photo of the day! #Jan15

Photo of the day: the apostlespeaks smiling.

When the situation suits you not, Try Smiling.
When you plan is not yielding the needed result, Try Smiling.
When your expectation is still delay, Try Smiling.
When people disappoint you, Try Smiling.
When the challenges is too big for you, Try Smiling.
Do you know why? When you Smile, you confuse the enemy the more.
Always remember never allow anyone,anything to take away your Smiling.
